Which is for me – Coach or Sponsor?

A coach focuses on a client’s life over just “working the steps.”

What is a Coach?

Coaches are teachers of a method.

Specifically, I teach a unique exploratory and instructional method that supports clients in discovering the world of habit dependence from a vastly different viewpoint than the historical, conditioned, inherited viewpoint of society.

As a Certified Professional Life Coach, my goal is to challenge some of the beliefs that might be holding back my clients from reaching their truest potential in actionably living out their authentic values. 

In my approach to habit change, my ultimate goal is to help people create and live a life that they WANT to live (and not just settle for by default) through hope, optimism, and grace; teaching them how their bodies and brains (and entire lives) are affected by their beliefs resulting in habits of behavior.

My job is to teach my clients how to expose automatic beliefs, assumptions and conclusions by presenting clients with methodical, factual arguments for them to question, self challenge and evaluate in a way that directly addresses what really matters to them.

Specifically, when it comes to alcohol, I don’t teach people how to get “sober.”

As a Certified Professional Life Coach, my role with my clients is to help them find their own personal freedom from the entrapment of the destructive habit in order to passionately and happily live a life FORWARD alcohol-free.

For me as a Coach, I do NOT tell my clients what to do.

My role is simply to provide clients with a framework to discover authentic self truth through logical reasoning based on scientific information.

Every client is an individual, and as such, program tactics and strategies are customizable to the clients desired forward life journey. 

My clients understand that at the end of the day, all decisions implemented are dependent on the client with personal authority in one’s OWN life.

YOU are the only one who makes the choice for change for YOU. God freely gives you WILL and the FREEDOM to CHOOSE, as will I with you.

Our goal together is not to achieve perfection but to simply test out a new way of thinking and behaving to see how it feels…to see if it moves you closer to the true desires of your heart for your new life forward.

Should I use a RECOVERY COACH for my recovery rather than a sponsor or a therapist?

A RECOVERY COACH (Wellness Coach, etc.) is neither a sponsor or a therapist, and as such should NOT be a substitute for either.

A recovery coach helps to bridge the gap TO a therapist and/or TO a 12-step recovery sponsor by additionally providing services that help an individual structure daily activities, discover peace of mind and find ways to enjoy an alcohol free lifestyle and ENJOY sober living.  

Professional coaching is an ongoing relationship that focuses on taking action toward the realization of a client’s vision and goals. A coach focuses on a client’s life over just “working the steps.”

With a coach, a client gets more personalized, action ready tactics, individualized to the clients personal journey with a forward focus approach to everyday living, weekly and monthly goals, etc..

What is the difference between RECOVERY COACH and a therapist?

A RECOVERY COACH neither assesses or diagnoses an addiction (or mental health problems). A coach will facilitate positive changes with clients, from a client-led approach, helping clients to identify and take action through personal and professional goals.

A RECOVERY COACH has a different ROLE than a SPONSOR or ACCOUNTABILITY partner.

A RECOVERY COACH works with people where they are in their own recovery journey – from the point of seeking to break free from addiction to not yet having made the decision to stop using alcohol. (And some, like me, are knowledgeable about 12 step programs as well as familiar with other recovery models, such as moderation management, faith-based abstinence.)

Coach selection…?

As there are no state regulations or federal legislations on this profession, it is imperative that clients make careful selection on choice for hiring a coach and to consider one that is committed to continuing education as well as one that has been professionally trained and certified in the chosen field of coaching (plus personal life experience in recovery according to the desired transformation).

The greatest consideration in the finalization of selection (in the coach-client relationship) is the ability to work well with one another.

This is an ongoing process of healing and the journey is much better when there is a well working relationship between the coach and client.

A coach will work with the client in identifying resources that will meet the needs of the client as well as identify resources that meet the clients needs. A coach may enter the recovery scene with a client at any part of the journey and add benefit to the clients process.

The overall goal is to see the client reach his/her desired outcome with his/her relationship with alcohol whether it be in the early stages of recovery treatment or in the after care plan of living life after removing the behavior of alcohol.

For more information about our programs and individual private sessions, please use available contact link below for a FREE 1 hour DISCOVERY CALL SESSION ⬇️
