Freedom Mindset Alcohol Reset. The ONLY failure is to NOT begin.

Is this program right for me?

This Naked Mind is perfect for you if…

  • You’re of two minds about drinking – you both want to drink less but also feel like something is missing whenever you abstain.
  • You’re wondering if alcohol is taking more from you than it’s giving back?
  • You’re curious about drinking less but you don’t want to question your use if you first have to label yourself an “alcoholic.”
  • You try to drink less but find that life is stressful and alcohol has always been one of your major stress relievers.
  • You have a love/hate relationship with alcohol. You set drinking limits in the morning then blow right through them once the “happy hour” rolls around.
  • You’ve tried to quit before (possible many times) by using willpower. And it didn’t work, which makes you feel frustrated, weak and defeated around alcohol.
  • You’re drinking more than you ever wanted to drink, without ever making a choice to do so.
  • You can go a few days without alcohol but it feels miserable – like you’re being deprived of something important.
  • You are ready to regain complete control over your drinking habits, your life and your WELL being, happiness, and your FREEDOM.

Some of what you will learn in This Naked Mind.

  • Why your conscious decision not to drink is underminded by your concsious desire for alcohol, how those desires became unconscious in the first place , and how to reverse them so you will have full control over your decisions again.
  • The reasons behind why people stay “stuck.”
  • How to not only reclaim your personal power against alcohol but MAINTAIN it.
  • The truth about alcohol, why its so easy for it to become such a significant part of our lives and why you are not an “alcoholic.”

What exactly is in this program?

All change happens on the other side of AWARENESS. All Naked Mind Program options are about the process to become AWARE of our current belief structure around alcohol – without judgment.


Big words that will change your entire life. Why do we both want to drink more and less at the same time?


We can’t fix this until we understand the deep needs that alcohol seem to fill. We explore the intense relationships between alcohol and the top EMOTIONS we associate with drinking: fun, happiness, stress-relief, friendship, intimacy and relaxation.


Crazy behaviors we don’t understand about ourselves to gain clarity in why when we try to change and our unable to we just seem to be unable. We will learn about alcohol and the brain, why it can easily become such a significant part of our lives and why you are not an “alcoholic.”

Program Options

The Naked Mind Intensive is a self-paced 9 module online learning program. It is for smart, driven, successful people who find it difficult to stay in control with alcohol. The program is created by internationally bestselling author Annie Grace.

This Naked Mind has been widely acclaimed as the most effective, neuroscience-based method for happily and easily finding freedom from alcohol.

  • It is a self-paced program that you can start whenever you are ready and work through at your own pace.
  • Video content is in tandem with personal coaching calls.
  • You will have 4-months of coaching support from me – Naked Mind Certified Coach.
  • Wellness Recovery Plan accompanies this program.

THE ALCOHOL EXPERIMENT is a 30-day CHALLENGE that will help you to INTERRUPT your brain patterns and habits to help you take control. This program is for anyone that wants to explore a life free from alcohol, exploring self-conscious & unconscious beliefs around alcohol in order to achieve mental clarity and reconnect with a version of you that didn’t need alcohol to be YOU (have fun, relax, cure loneliness or boredom, deal with the overwhelm of life, handle stress, escape, etc.)

  • It is a 30-day challenge that includes both live calls throughout the experiment and self-paced prerecorded videos (daily throughout the 30 days), online companion app, and coaching calls with me – Certified Naked Mind Coach.
  • Each day you will either watch the video content and/or use the experiment book with AMAZING SCIENCE BASED information and JOURNAL PROMPTS that will help YOU uncover the real impact that alcohol has on your brain, your thoughts, your energy and your emotions.

THE 100 DAYS OF LASTING CHANGE is just that – the extra boost of momentum and encouragement to create lasting change. Most habits will peter out within 3 weeks, no matter how strong our WILLPOWER or our INTENTIONS were when we set those goals and resolutions.

WILLPOWER FADES. If you want this change of habit to last and you want to find real permanent freedom, it’s important that you continue to REINFORCE the thought patterns of change – you MUST STAY FOCUSED on IMPRINTING these NEW HABITS deep into your psyche and creating lifelong change, so you don’t have to rely on willpower. You need a daily guidepost for the journey that you are on, and how you’re going to continue building the momentum.

In this program, you will receive:

  • Daily powerful, yet concise, video content where you are reminded of who you are without alcohol and give you the important scientifically backed tools to regain the best version of your ALCOHOL-FREE SELF. (Taking a few minutes to watch this daily video will give you the momentum, positivity and encouragement throughout your entire day.
  • Daily written reminders to focus on what you know is working and avoid what you know will cause you to lose the momentum that you’re building.
  • Daily reflection and journal prompts so that you can see your progression through your journey and look back and see exactly how far that you have come.
  • Weekly coaching calls with me – Certified Naked Mind Coach.

Reality check – this is a forever journey to get to the life you want to live.

Because HUMAN. There are layers to our healing journey.

The work STARTS when we put down the bottle.

We GET to move FORWARD into our journey of lasting change. We GET to have a SOUL SABBATICAL from within as we live out loud the life we want to live…

It’s only when we realize that “the problem” was already there before we picked up the first drink…