The CORE of TRANSFORMATION is at the heart level of every MOVEMENT.

The heart level of change is ROOTED (grounded) in the MIND, and worked out through the BODY as directed from the SPIRIT – the essence of our BE-ing…

Beliefs direct thoughts, thoughts run in tandem with emotion, emotions are felt as sensations through the BODY.


We BECOME what we think…we are as we see our IDENTITY…

The way to change any habit, or heal from dis-ease within, is in the renewing of the mind… the body will follow the messages of the mind.

As we INTENTIONALLY work out the gap of the mental mind chatter, we mindfully close the gap between the head and the heart (conscious and subconscious), beginning to STAND GROUNDED in the POSTURE of STABILITY & CONNECTED ALIGNMENT.

Our behavior reflects the desires of our heart from the subconscious level, working OUT our CHOICES from the insideOUT.

A conflicted mind will cause a person to try and go 2 different directions at once, creating a current of instability in all of his ways.

To end the blurry VISION and gain CLARITY of FOCUS, we choose a DIRECTION of MOVEMENT.

As we begin LivingOUTLoud Life from position of ROOTED WELLNESS within, the double-mindedness (cognitive dissonance) becomes dissolved and the battles of the mind resolved.

Personal journey to GET WELL.


Connection is working the parts to the whole for WHOLENESS within as we BECOME FULLY SELF.

It is IN the wholeness of SELF that we are differentiated from OTHERS, while YET and STILL (BOTHAND) CONNECTED to others.

We work within the MOTIONS of RESISTANCE to CONDITION the development of our mental mindsets and physical body.

It is THROUGH the ACTIONS of the MINDSET that we BECOME…

Personal responsibility and radical self-acceptance is the FREE WILL to DECIDE.


In our FREEDOM to do anything, we GET to CHOOSE if there is VALUE (benefit) to our choices.

Readiness for change starts with AWARENESS.

Through the art of awareness, a decision can be decided, and all TRANSFORMATION THROUGH that point to the other side.

Any decided change (of habit) that is lasting does not come from will power, but the power of will.

It’s all about the DIRECTION of MOVEMENT…

It’s all about the MOVEMENT, disciplining self in POSTURE for BALANCE and ALIGNMENT, learning FLEXIBILITY as we adapt (cope) with LIFE STRESSORS to purposefully MOVE towards peace, calm, clarity.

In DECIDED CHOICE, we STRETCH, STRENGTHEN and TRAIN for the necessary growth of lasting change.

We do this by intentionally working our mental mindsets, ACKNOWLEDGING and releasing our emotional energy (I.R.E.E.) in constructive ways, finding FREEDOM in the discipline to move more efficiently while building STRENGTH and ENDURANCE from the insideOUT.

What’s on the inside becomes visible to the outside as we are LivingOUTLoud Life from CORE VALUES.

We become to understand that we are NOT powerless, but through working our God-given brain design, we are powerful when we are yielded in His Holy Spirit (as the greater ONE is within).

We learn that Life GETS to be lived in the fullness of Him above.

Focusing on the pillars of wellness, choosing LIFE giving ways that support our body, we renew our mind into His ways and we GET to BECOME what we are purposed to BE.

We GET to FREELY CHOOSE God’s given design of operation for our MIND and BODY.

Through the process of Affective Liminal Psychology, we GET to gain AWARENESS of our thoughts and emotions while BOTHAND taking the matter to the Bible for clarity of what God has to say about the matter as we work it out in the body.

As we take captive our thoughts, we GET to renew our MIND into His ways, and begin LivingOUTLoud Life from His perspective.

Shifts in perspective are what close the gap in our movement.

Though our firm foundation of FAITH, we GET to FOCUS on the directional moves into that position of posture, as we work out our RESPONSES over REACTION to chaotic circumstances.

We GET to run our race WELL in Him, with STRENGTH and ENDURANCE of Him, training in POWER MOVES from the SOURCE of creation.

And begin ACT-ing in the ways that we say we believe as followers of Christ.

We GET to BE who we were created to BE before the world told us who not to be.

We GET to celebrate TRANSFORMATION from data points of progress (not from position of shame or judgement).

We GET to find our place of BE-LONG-ING.

For in the feelings of LOVE, ACCEPTANCE, SAFETY and SECURITY, we will behaviorally act out what we say we believe.

Find your FIT with me, as we train the MIND & BODY to yield to the SPIRIT, transforming the of desires of the heart…


Decide to do all things through Christ, and the source of His power will give you strength for the HOW, striving for excellence not perfection – it’s a process of our directed input, trusting that in the discipline, the outcome will be achieved.

The HOW is the process that is worked out in the yoking of the WORD as we train our ways into His perspective.

🌸 Inviting YOU to Be YOU in Him as you yield to His SPIRIT, renew your MIND into His ways, LivingOUTLoud Life in fullness of the BODY.

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