Failed marriages…do you have one? I have multiple.
The falling apart (failing) amazes me. It “amazes” me (not in the way of taking marriage lightly but) in the reminder of how far we really fall short in our faithfulness to Him.
Daily we EACH fall short in our covenant to Him…
Covenant to man in marriage (on earth) or covenant in Christ? Who is higher? Which is a representation of the gospel livedoutloud?
What do I mean?
My intent is for you to explore your relationship in Him in a way that brings understanding to the higher stake of the ETERNAL.
Are you familiar with the passage in the bible of the woman that had MANY husbands?
Hmm… kind of like in this life, how we worship many gods (idols) when our faithfulness has been “offered” in Him….right?
Would you agree? Are you following me in understanding of mystery revealed at the deeper level?
The Pharisees too wondered something kind of like this but looked at it/questioned it from perspective of man.
The Pharisees questioned Jesus about what would happen to her (the woman of many “husbands” ) at time of “Heaven.’
With which spouse would she be reunited with: “now then, at resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her” (Matthew 22:28)?
Jesus replied (in Matthew 22:29), “You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. At resurrection people will neither marry or be given in marriage; they will be like angels in heaven.”
Did the woman fail? Did she miss the mark in understanding how to be the bride of man?
So what does that mean? Does it mean that mean that we should take lightly failed marriages? Or is there a deeper meaning behind “marriage” on earth?
Of course she did. But in light of our covenant with Christ, how often do we fail in Him?
This world, this life, is our training ground for the life to come in Him eternally…of course truth and fact to be faced is like the woman who married MULTIPLE times and failed to faithfully follow through (until death) her pledged covenant.
We all fall short in the kingdom of glory in faithfully LIVINGOUTLOUD our COVENANT with HIM.
He wants a blameless, pure, stable, consistent wife; a wife that can be trusted to bring Him glory and honor.
As we prepare, during this engagement period of life for becoming His eternal bride, we are set forward into motion a purification process, perfectly designed by the trials of our lives.
Embrace the trials!
James 1:2-4 reminds us to count it all joy when we fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience and we are reminded to let patience to have its perfect work in us so that we may be made perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
This world is our engagement/bethoral period, awaiting the GREAT wedding feast, with our Lord Jesus Christ when He returns for consummation with His BRIDE.
Our AIM is focus and devotion to Christ; and keeping God’s commands is what counts (I Corinthians 7:19)!
Are you preparing for your wedding day or worried about who else has been married to whom?