Wisdom is the principal thing that we need to get.  With wisdom, we have understanding, deliverance and freedom,  With wisdom comes peace on earth in the path of Christ – that’s how our steps are ordered.  In wisdom, we produce the fruits of righteousness – we learn self-control, kindness, gentleness, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness…because we will sow in His ways therefore we will reap a harvest in Him.

We are not wise in our own eyes (understanding) but in His strength.  It’s in Jesus’ authority that the devil is rebuked. 

It’s humbleness in wisdom that is the fear of the Lord, which is honoring Him by trusting what He says to do – not because of fear of obedience but in honor of who He is, not arguing self-righteously against  God but surrendering to His ways because His is consistently faithful and His words are true.

Wisdom is trust in acknowledging that the confidence is in His ways of doing things because He’s already got it figured out. 

Sin is not just about being disobedient but it’s about rejecting God’s wisdom, which essentially is saying that (by sinning) we think that we know better than God (AND THAT’S JUST FOOLISH, especially once you have established Him as your standard of truth). 

We get wisdom by “getting into the WORD” so that the WORD can get into us.  We gain His shield, strength and refuge when we are abiding in His word.  When we become “hidden in Christ” we are under His covering because His WORD (Christ) cannot “return void”, it will do what He pleases with it (Isaiah 55:11).

Christ came to us in this world to complete His mission to reconcile (merge) us to God.  With Christ “it is finished” (John19:28-30).