LivingOUTLoud life “scarred” is a beautiful thing.
Jesus had scars.
And His scars are beautiful when we realize what they represent….
Faithfulness. Perseverance. LIFE.
We are reminded on this past Resurrection Sunday of the scars that Jesus received when He rose from the dead.
In victory (through His faithfulness), Jesus persevered and defeated even death in order for ALL to live.
And He did it by RISING scarred.
Rise up and start thinking of scars as a badge of honor, a crown of victory.
We don’t have to keep our wounds festered and ugly.
We don’t have to scab them over with bitterness and hurt.
We CAN heal. Like Jesus we can rise up scarred.
Do you need a scar? Ready to heal the wounds? Be rid of the pain?
The ointment is found only in Him.
Jesus is the antidote to pain, the healing agent to love lost, securities destroyed… because HE paid the ransom for you and me!
His royal law of love is to live an abundant life in Him. And it was paid in price of scars.
Share the scars in testimony to Him.
Scars remind us that healing HAS taken place over a deep wound. Scars remind us that what we thought would destroy us is a workmanship of Gods grace – a life livedoutloud HEALED!
Are you ready to heal?
Are you ready bind the wound, to be set free and liveoutloud life from the position of healing?
Then boldly, proudly, courageously give Him the wounds to Him to for HIM bind up and heal.
Accept the gift and redeeming love of the scars.
How? Through a surrendered life in Him.
He will HEAL what we reveal to Him.
No one gets through this life without pain, sadness, loss…but in Him what we lose BECOMES our gain when we give “it” to Him to redeem.
Exchange your wound for a scar to display. Do it right away!!!
Yes, scars change us – they shape us. The healing process will hurt but not as much as the wound.
Embrace the healing of wounds eagerly embrace the scar.
Embrace the scars, bear them as did our Lord, showing that through His scars He rose again. And with Christ in us, his righteousness imputed in us, we too rise again.
Sparkle on and display the scars.
In process of healing your wounds of the past NEVER be ashamed of what your past has been because your future is redeemed in Him.
Our scars are testimony to Him that His glory is bigger than our pain.
And when were healed, let us share the scars with others.
Be proud to be healed. Be proud to preserve in Him. And tell others how through HIM that He carries us through…
Walk forward in confession to Him and allow His WORD to remedy the pain.