#becausehuman… In our human nature, we want to withdraw our affections when someone we love behaves in a selfish manner.
✔️ The reality is that we are hurt by selfish actions of others.
❓So what do we instinctively do because human?
✔️ We withdrawal our affections in protective, defensive posture. 
Hmm 🤔 DEEPER DIG ➡️ When we get angry at the “selfish” acts of others it’s because we are in a state of forgetfulness…
💥🕊️ Forgetting that God did not lack MERCY, GRACE and COMPASSION on us.
In HURT we set limits on God’s LOVE & MERCY to others.
Remember Jonah?
Jonah knew so well that God was “gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity” (Jonah 4:2) that he hopped on a boat refusing His assignment to SHARE Gods warning of LOVE….
You ever choose to RUN rather than be firmly rooted in assignment because your HUMAN HURT is getting in the way of your GODLY love?
In our “JONAH moments” of not WANTING to act in the kindness within our control to extend to others, the reality is because we are in a state of conditional love. Opposite of Gods law of love defined in 1 Corinthians 13….
Think back to Jonah, Jonah wants the city destroyed for the evil. Jonah knows that if he does what he’s been told to do, it could possibly change the response of warning in the people and that God will not carry out the punishment. Jonah is in a state of “entitlement.”
Jonah is refusing to see his enemies as Gods created work…
So Jonah keeps it to himself…
Jonah runs…
Jonah’s mentality is “they get what they deserve.”
Jonah’s REACTION from his EGO is judging his enemy and forgetting the grace he received…
… Forgetting that he once too was an enemy of God.
💭❓RELATABLE. Think about it. The answer is YES ➡️ we’ve all been there, done that, got the T-shirt and waxed the car with that mentality 🙋🏻♀️
💥 OPPORTUNITY in AWARENESS over reaction – there is another RESPONSE…
Let’s remind ourselves… ⬇️
🕊️In our state of GRACE gifted by the Lord, let us be reminded that in our past we to fail to see the goodness of God and we were once too set for destruction.
Let us be reminded that sometimes too we just suck…we miss the mark, we fall short…
✔️Jonah resented God’s mercy, kindness, and compassion towards his enemies.
✔️Jonah lacked humility in his human judgment, thinking they were undeserving…
⚠️💥 Reality check who is deserving?
No one.
🕊️ Let the glory be to God… that the gospel, the message of his saving grace, has nothing to do with who we are, and/or our feelings of another person.
🕊️ We are saved, because God did not give up on us.
🕊️ Let us be saved to be instruments, vessels, carriers of His glory, word, grace, and mercy message.
☝️ that is ALL that is within our own personal control. 👇
When we get angry at others for their “selfish acts,” and want to withhold our affections and forgiveness, let it be an opportunity of awareness to focus on our own self, and recognition of how much we have been forgiven for.
“Love covers a multitude of sins…”
“God is love.”
🌸 Be YOU in Him as you yield to His SPIRIT, renew your MIND into His ways, LivingOUTLoud Life in fullness of the BODY.
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