Practical Tips for the “Witch-ing Hour”

The “witching hour…”

YEP! The witching time that we get an itching

For some, it’s called “it’s 5 o’clock somewhere” time.

For others, it’s called “pop-a-top” time.

Whatever you choose to call it, you know what I’m talking about…

You know that time where your brain reminds you “hey it’s time to get going – it’s time to get primed with that first ‘cold one.’”

The “witching hour” is the starting time of our usual drinking routine where we get started with that first of many habitual drinks.

Yes – it’s a true time announced from within (regardless of the hour read on the clock).

It’s the time we have disciplined ourselves for the “reward” of a drink to unwind, de-stress (or whatever other emotional function that we’ve assigned to it).

Yes we have trained our brain and body for cue time to get primed.

Now what?

Now what to do with that set aside time that was once savored for relationship with use of alcohol?

Keep it!!!

Yes!!! Definitely keep that time as your special time!

But now that you’ve decidedly chosen to live life alcohol-free, you still need some practical tips of transition into living that life you are creating…as alcohol-free.

Now we retrain the brain.

We intentionally interrupt the thought patterns that create the behavior by implementing new patterns of thought with new actions.

Reframe the mindset of the “witch-ing” hour.

Learn to LOVE it!

Fill it full of things that you look forward to doing – things that will lift you up and empower you! Or maybe even at this point, things that just interrupt the brain pattern while you are transitioning into your transformation.

To gain self awareness, start asking yourself questions. What do you love? What new recipe or restaurant can you try? What activity would help you release the emotional energy within?

Answers to these questions are what you start to ADD to your life during the “witch-ing hour.”

Consider making a list now of at least 25 things that you might like to try…THEN when the “witch-ing hour” comes upon you, you’re not scrambling to figure out what to do, you can just go to your list.

What did I do?

At first, during my “witch-ing hour,” I just blocked the time off to put my kids activities in it, especially the ones that I would have to drive for…

YES DRIVE – without worrying about drinking and driving we can DRIVE any time now. Whoo-hoo!

Another game changer for me was filling myself (my mind) with things that I wanted to renew myself into. Renewing the mind remains one of my favorite tactics of the Bible.

Yes I studied my identity in Christ, my role as an empowered woman in Him, and understanding biblical self- care and love.

Of course too, since my mind was so clear, I returned to my deeper LOVE of reading and research. I used the time of my “witch-ing hour” for studying the content that would help me understand my behaviors. I saturated myself in “quit-lit” content – and by default, I got so many certifications.

Another thing I loved to do during those “witch-ing hours” was “pound the pavement” with some mindful movement, using the time (and activity) to intentionally release my emotional energy through walking and jogging.

And water fitness classes.

Yes. Yes. Yes. I found so much self-healing in the rhythmic movement of the water – it was and remains a saving grace source of healing for my mind, body and spirit.

Keep the glass during cooking time.

Another practical tip for those who specifically prime during the prep time of dine (yes I’m talking about drinking while cooking dinner for your family), you can’t fully cut out the cooking but you can KEEP THE GLASS during cooking time!

Yes I said it.

KEEP THE GLASS and still fill it full BUT NOW with something extra fun.

For me, I absolutely was not ready to abandon my fancy goblets…and so I didn’t.

I LIKED the ritual of a special drink – and so I enabled it! But with a twist (and no I’m not talking about the twist of a lime…)

During that time I used “the drink” to nourish me – to it adding my vitamin supplements. One drink in particular was my screwdriver-like drink; made it just like before but instead of shots of alcohol I added drops of liquid vitamins and vitality essential oils.

Another favorite drink was iced mocha.

And yes, for me, non-alcohol beer was definitely an add-on.

And always, I would still use my fun fancy wine glasses…I still savored and celebrated my special time with me just did it alcohol-free!)

Ritual of the routine.

Yes! Yes! Yes! I still kept some of the ritual during that “witch-ing hour” – after all, I still drink as much as I ever did… I just changed my beverage.

And so can you!

You’ve got this – you have the what and why (decidedly alcohol-free), it’s the how we just need to learn.

Hope these couple of practical tips help you along your journey of LivingOUTLoud Life ALCOHOL-FREE.

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