Love NOW in THIS moment as you LIVE in it!

Love NOW in THIS moment! 💝

In this moment – love. ❤️

Love with everything you have inside of you.

Love like THIS moment is the ONLY moment.

This is the only MOMENT!

Are you getting where I am going with this?!? 💎🌟

Focusing Forward is a directional movement, so that we don’t get ourselves tripped up over what we’ve already past by…

Stay steady in the step of the NOW. 🎁

The moment behind is a shadow (shadows cannot be touched) and the moment ahead is not promised.

Cherish, LOVE and honor the moment of NOW.

CHOOSE to stay in THIS moment. ⏰


Forget the past! And take THIS moment!

Forget chasing the clovers of time past…focus on LOVING (actively LIVING) in the NOW. ⏰

Take THIS MOMENT to hug someone, even if you don’t have time to stay and talk. 🤗

In this moment, speak sweetly to that person who is getting on your last nerve. 💋

In this moment, be gentle speaking truth in love to that person who you feel like you just want to “shake” into understanding. 👧👨

In this moment, be patient with that person who is annoying you to no end – listen to them in just that moment. 🗣👂

In this moment, be kind to that “confused” person who is so “obviously” not “mentally” in the same place that you are in at your “moment” of now because… 👣

It’s NOT only about YOU!

Take YOUR moment while leaving others to THEIR moments.

We have NO IDEA what someone is dealing with in THEIR moment – but that’s not our responsibility to know.

Don’t judge THEIR MOMENT. Live in your moment! 💕💎🌟

Our responsibility is to know how to ACT in our own MOMENT.

Peaceful Living is SIMPLE!

Life is simpler when we focus forward into what we can control – the behavior and reactions of ourselves only. 💕💎🌟

In this moment, CHOOSE to submit to the law of LOVE – God’s way. 🥰

As you trust the process of “moments,” one day you’ll SEE in reality a lifetime built upon them.


Remember, THIS MOMENT is the only one you have… choose your moment wisely as you LIVEOUTLOUD today! 🌟

Love ALWAYS – it never fails!! 😍

…deep, tender feeling. …intense desire, sexual attraction. …intense emotional attachment. The world’s view of love makes understanding God’s description of love more difficult to understand, including… Loving our enemies. (Matthew 5:44) Loving those who persecute and mistreat us. (Romans 12:14-21, Luke 6:27-36) You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. – Matthew 5:43-45 ESV.