LivingOUTLoud Life – Naked: Rooted Wellness

My goal with “LivingOUTLoud Life – Naked: Rooted Wellness” is to reframe the importance and understanding of SELF CARE through educational awareness and interactive shares.

Our teachings are on the basis that SELF CARE is BIBLICAL and necessary for WHOLE LIFE LIVING.

We are given the responsibility of stewardship over ourselves and it is our personal responsibility to carefully maintain, guard (protect) and recover our temple.

What I do? I am a Certified Professional Life Coach, holding additional certificates of training in Brain Healthy Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindful Relationships, Reflexology and Vitality Lifestyle Coaching.

I am also a Certified This Naked Mind Coach. (The methodology of This Naked Mind Is a new and different approach to habit change. Our programs are grounded in learning self growth and personal development where clients explore/inquire into fundamental beliefs and issues from the viewpoint of historical conditioning (in other words, inherited viewpoints of society) that unconsciously drive our conscious behavior…

The unconscious mind is a powerful driving force that propels behavior through thought and emotion.

Together we question social norms…we learn to embrace God-given emotions as guideposts. And we learn how to RESPOND to life rather than REACTING to it’s chaotic circumstances.

I believe that God is the author of life.

To better BE, we operate through His God-given brain design via His original curriculum of science.

We are FREE to BE, FREE to ACT as a matter of personal choice ➡️ Gods idea: FREE WILL.

We are, however, never free from consequence.

I do NOT determine what’s right or wrong for others (that is between the individual and God); I simply question the constraints that I hear in someone else.

The individual must decide if the CHOICE is serving their identity and life mission.

When I refer to the TEMPLE, I am referencing our BODY. The body is the foundational support system for the SPIRIT and the MIND.

Using God’s LIVING ENERGY, we are carriers in this realm for His living energy as we passionately, intentionally live OUT loud life with His ideas as life operating principles for LIVING WELL in HIM.

Rooted Wellness is being firmly grounded in understanding that God intended for us to live abundantly in blessing; not yoked in curse and it’s effects.

He provided a way for us to be spiritually FREE…it is our personal responsibility to maintain it.

NAKED is a life lived in authenticity, without covering of mask (false pretenses). We want to BECOME as NAKED as the original garden allowed, realizing that perfection is unattainable in this life but that leaning into His image of WELLNESS (being mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually fit is our everyday AIM to increase.)

The key to FAITHFULLY LIVING is relying on His WORD for direction of action.

We renew our minds in TRUTH.

LivingOUTLoud Life is about learning how to BECOME as part (to the whole) of His GRACE plan through His original design of creation and intentions for living.

🌸 We are COUNTER CULTURALLY throwing off the identity of the world and leaning into authentically LivingOUTLoud Life in a style that includes:


💯 We are getting comfortable with setting and maintaining boundaries that bring personal peace, exploring healthy ways to regulate emotional responses and practice self soothing behaviors while operationally CHOOSING to stay right in our personal role (in life) through the law of love.

  • law of love as defined in 1 Corinthians 13 and in 1 John