God has established His rules for living which command us to be “rooted and established in love” (Ephesians 3:17).
We are to live life in the legal way of His kingdom rule by operating in Gods way – His principles for living.
Ask self, “is my action breaking Gods heart?”
In order to know the answer to this question, we must know what Gods heart stands for…
It STANDS for the TRUTH of His Word.
His WORD is His Son Jesus Christ.
Sin isn’t just about breaking the laws of Gods kingdom but about breaking Gods heart.
The laws have already been satisfied in judgement by Gods wrath for His children in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.
When sin willfully abounds in the heart of Gods children, it denies the sacrifice of the cross, grieves the Holy Spirit and breaks our fellowship and communion with Him.
John 14:15 declares, “if you love me, you will obey me.” The law of love demands obedience. Obediently trusting His spiritual guidance and rules of law (biblical principles) we are livingoutloud the life we called to live in Him. We are maintaining the heart of the relationship, which is why we are saved – for relationship, ONENESS in Him.
Our code of conduct exemplifies the fullness of Gods love.
Gods love is the law of His kingdom.
And His law demands obedience. Living life in the legal way yields to Gods established laws and shows (in action) our love (respect) for Him and His ways.
We come through the blood of Christ to advocate for kingdom cause – Christ. It’s ALL about Gods divine purpose in Christ to save us from the bounds of wrath that we deserve. It’s all about eternal fellowship with Him in His everlasting kingdom.
God is the Creator of this world.
Every knee shall bow before Him…
Learn your role in Him now as His child, servant and Beloved in order to do your part in His plan.
Study the eternal truths, which will far outlast present, temporal circumstances.
Focus on thy kingdom come and His will to be done.
Living life the legal way, and livingoutloud our kingdom role is by actively rising to His STAND(ard) of measure in TRUTH – that is the LEGAL way of living out His kingdom rule.