God is so majestically good – all the time!!
He’s patient, kind, gentle and eagerly lifts us in encouragement of His love – HE IS LOVE!
The burden for change is peaceful when we allow it to be from His Spirit rather than from the posture of our self-will.
The sober reality is that our mission is in His glory and will; and not for our own.
Staying clean, in right way living, is about HIM – living life HIS WAY, in WORD and DEED.
But HOW?
Be intentional! Decide to seek FOCUS on HIM.
The intent is to develop more understanding of how to liveoutloud, IN BOUNDS of Gods way.
Training the soul in “spiritual discipline” is about emptying ourself to be filled with Him.
How? How do we have more of Him and less of us…by diligently seeking His face, WORD and Spirit.
As we focus on His LOVE LAW, by default, we focus less on ourselves.
His WORD brings about LIFE!
As we get into the WORD, the WORD gets into us.
The Lord will renew our mind. The Lord will get a new pattern of thinking into our mind (which breed in our hearts lives out loud IN ACTION), if we choose to seek the WORD.
Loving on the Lord by OBEYING His word equals a life fashioned into His ways of thinking…
It’s not as hard as we make it to live by His rules….the hard part is laying aside our pride from thinking we know better than the Master of the Universe, Creator of our being.
The SIMPLE life begins when we accept His nature and His WORD as TRUTH, humbly admitting His ways and ideas are higher than our human reasoning and/or expectations.
Yielding to His LAW of LOVE
God, through faith and blood of Jesus Christ, allows us to choose…
Who will we serve? Will we learn who He is? Will we accept His WORD?
Will we willingly choose to liveoutloud in bounds of His love through HIS POWER?