Learn to do good.
If we are quiet when we witness evil, does our silence give way to compliance for evil?
When we are being taken advantage of, do we defend what is ours or are we to bow to the evil workings of the land?
Is it doing good to willingly permit evil to proceed?
Evil runs rampant because we either are, ourselves, actively participating in sin or believing that “turning the other cheek” to sin, means to allow it to continue without a fight to end it.
Turning the other cheek does not mean we actively condone sin. Used in this instance it is called “turning a blind eye to sin.” And THAT is perverse.
Jesus came with a double edged sword of His WORD to fight for truth.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
In our righteousness of Him, we too FIGHT for truth and justice to prevail.
When we fail to STAND for and in His truth, we fail to lift Him and His ways higher than our own self desires.
Our society has perverted the ways of the kingdom to the point that we no longer call evil evil but that instead call evil “socially acceptable.”
Our culture has become so desensitized to the TRUTH (of good) that we look at good as evil and evil as good, justifying our own stupidity in attempt to build our own “mini kingdoms.”
It is time to wake up sleepers!
It’s time to live beyond the ego of self…self-righteous attitudes and self-centered living.
It’s time NOW to rise in the calling of our Lord. Stand in faith that victory is already won in Him.
Be fearless. Be bold. Shine the light of His truth in word to the evilness of darkness.
Expose what is hidden and not discussed in the light.
“Fear NOT,” he commands.
We can tell the mountain to move as we Liveoutloud in his mercy and grace by knowing that the nature of God is justice.
God is a god of justice.
We become the change in Him or suffer the consequences. It’s an individual choice – called FREE WILL.
If Gods heart is for His son, and God willed His only son to satisfy His wrath by deliverance of the cross, why do we loose sight of the finished works of the cross and think it is about “us?”
It’s ABOUT Him; His kingdom come.
It is a foolish thing to be wise in ones own eyes, believing that ones “own” idea of “right” is more wise than the Creator of the Universe.
Learn to do the “good” (according to His definition) that He has called us to do.
We are to seek justice for the error of wrong by bringing Heaven down to Earth.
It’s starts when SELF humbles and yields itself to the way of the Heavenly kingdom and not the law of the land…the land is corrupt. And it’s only a heart change at a time that our society will be redeemed.
Do good. Liveoutloud His way in bounds of actionable faith.