Do we need SELF CARE?
Is self care even BIBLICAL?
Before deciding that it IS biblical, let us start with assuming that is it NOT and presume the assumption that it is selfishly indulgent to serve others while thinking that is right (and good) to care first for ourselves.
Under that premise, what would you answer? Have you operated under that premise before?
Have you ever given yourself completely for the sake of others, wholeheartedly believing that you were acting in light of a biblical precept to lay your life down for others, accepting less than the promises of God?
Have you performed for the sake of others to the point you were barely surviving?
Well I have, which is why I searched the Bible for answers.
I’ve been there. I’ve done that…I worked that mental mindset to the point that I no longer existed as a woman operating in purpose of Gods will for me…but to the point of serving man and the will he was wanting me to carry forward.
So again, is self care biblical or selfishly indulgent?
If you believe the above premise, let me ask you this…let me further pick your brains mental mindset and ask:
How do you serve God when your vessel is weak, sick, tired, cluttered, drunk/hungover, worn out, beaten down, stressed out, overworked, exhausted and/or abused?
The answer: NOT VERY WELL.
So if all we do is for the glory of God, does it not give God glory to care wholly for the vessel (ourselves) He has given us for His purposes?
The TRUTH of the question is answered in His WORD.
Good mental, physical, emotional HEALTH is Biblical in our endeavor to willfully serve Him.
Taking care of our mind, body, and soul with intention and purpose of serving Him is good BIBLICAL self care.
It is GOOD (not evil) to focus on getting ourselves WELL to have LIFE, to celebrate LIFE, to experience LIFE…and to GIVE LIFE.
Yes, self care is biblical…in our bodies, soul and mind and strength, this is how we glorify God!
In our AIM of devotion to Him, we become an example of His promises in manifestation…through LivingOUTLoud His ways – He transforms…
Still not sure of your personal conviction on the matter of topic of self care is biblical?
We are commanded to love God with all of our minds, body, soul and strength, AND to love others as ourselves, right?
How can we fulfill the mandate when we are not actively seeking wholeness to wholly love Him?
How can we fulfill the mandate when we are not at the level of ability to serve others?
Too often (especially as women), we are trained to put the priorities of everyone else before our own, believing that in order to “stay right in our role” for Him, that we must completely sacrifice ourselves for others.
But is it biblical…?
Often the fall back for martyrdom syndrome is because people quote Jesus’ focus as only caring about serving others…claiming it is a selfishly indulgent attitude if we take time for ourselves to nurture our mind, body and soul.
But is it selfishly indulgent? No that mentally in itself is NOT biblical! That’s a works mentality…a martyrdom syndrome.
Jesus was and IS the sacrifice.
Jesus loves the INDIVIDUAL.
Jesus died and rose for every individual person.
Jesus cares that YOU, I – every individual – is running the race for Him in optimal shape!
Jesus already said, “it is finished.”
In other words, Jesus wants us to be in the best MENTAL, PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL shape so that we CAN serve others…
So how do we do that? How do we balance the mandate of loving Him with our whole selves and loving our neighbors as ourselves?
Self care with the right HEART MOTIVE is the RIGHT MINDSET.
Self Care IS the Biblical and Practical way forward to Liveoutloud in Him and together we’re going to explore what HIS WORD has to say on the matter…
So if you agree that practicing self care is Gods way, come back as we delve into many upcoming topics (just to name a few):
🌸 Healthy Coping Skills for life
🌸 Mental and Emotional Wholeness in Him
🌸 Social Self Care/ Healthy Relationships
🌸 Managing Stress in chaos
🌸 Daily practices for the mind, body and soul
🌸 Maintaining inner peace to rest in Him
🌸 God esteem for the self, operating in our identity of Him
*** Disclaimer: What qualifies me to share? I’m human and I’ve had more than enough life living experiences trying to figure it out on my own; tried every counterfeit resolve of culture before trusting in the obedience of His ways. I am not a doctor, a preacher, a politician, OR a person of perfection…but I am forgiven and a lover of Jesus.
*** Disclaimer: I do not go forward sharing my words but HIS WORD. Test the Spirit and dig into the WORD for yourself (as that is our individual responsibility to Him).
*** Disclaimer: I’m a work in progress. Don’t look to me for perfection but to the ONE that is perfect!