When God’s glory enters the church, His people then can shine His light into the world.
We represent God in our daily lives, and in our daily choices.
Knowing who God is, and the life lived of Jesus becomes our example in HOW we are to live out our life in Him.
The more we know about Him above, the more we know how to make wise choices in our daily lives.
YES – learning to think as Jesus did (mindset of Christ) and then LivingOUTLoud Life in ACTION of His THOUGHTS (renewing our mind into His ways outlined by His WORD) is HOW we move forward in a life(style) of Him.
We GET to walk it out here on earth in our daily lives…
As Jesus represented God’s will on earth, we GET to represent Christ’s obedience here on earth.
“I am” statements are so powerful. We act out who we think we are…
We must know who we are in Him in order to liveOUTLoud Life by His design.
Do you know who you are?
I know for certain that I am only the kind of person I want to be when I am leaning into the grace of God.
I know when I act like a spoiled little child, throwing a “temper tantrum” that I am not living out the grace in me, but instead, I am CHOOSING to NOT accept His gift of grace in that moment and (instead) living out life by my own understanding (pulling what I call a “Crystal move”).
His gift of grace promises that I will have the strength and power of Christ to live forward by his values and in a lifestyle pleasing to Him.
Yes TRUTH – my flesh NATURALLY is against the goodness of God, because it is corrupted; but the GRACE given is the HOPE and PROMISE of PERSEVERANCE that I have and is RISEN in my Spirt of Him.
I am awesome. I have wisdom. I make the most excellent choices… but ONLY WHEN I am walking in His given grace led by His Spirit.
Coach Crystal Anne
Outside of accepting His grace in the moment, I will be acting in my flesh… and that AIN’T a pretty sight to see…
We are called to liveOUTloud Life in the FRUITS of the SPIRIT by the POWER of His LOVE.
I am only walking out the fruits of His SPIRIT, and walking in LOVE (defined by the law of love in 1 Corinthians 13), when I am living out life from the posture of grace.
When we are not in love, there is no unity – there is an ABSENCE of GRACE.
Only His grace is sufficient to fill the law of love…
The focus this month is obeying God’s word by following Him – accepting FIRST that we can only do so, when we are enabled by His grace, ABIDING in the VINE – as He is the power of strength. That means being in his continual presence. His presence is the POWER that enables us to be in the kingdom of God.
In His presence (and via operation of His strength), we can be full of peace, joy, patience, thinking of others, acting in self-control (under God control) with kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness.
But apart from Him, we are NOTHING!
I GET be ALL these things as I depend on Christ who strengthens me.
Coach Crystal Anne
Join us this month in our private group LivingOUTLoud Life – Naked 🌸 Rooted Wellness as we explore our IDENTITY in Christ.
When we know WHO we are and WHOSE we are…we KNOW the next right thing TO DO…
Be YOU in Him. Live WELL in Him.