“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and not that of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:9).
We are no longer under the law.
When Christ sacrificed Himself at the cross, He took on all the punishments for all sinners – past, present and future.
Christ became the ultimate sacrifice. Christ fulfilled the law by becoming the curse itself. His death – blood shedding – became the covenant needed to fulfil the curse of the law.
Those who do not receive the gift of salvation, remain under the law.
The gift of Christ means that now, in Him, we fulfil the law and are not judged according to it.
Only those DENYING Christ’s fulfillment of law are subjected to the law; and, in effect are condemned already (because of their are subjection to the law).
Those in Christ are secure by grace (Esphesians 9:20-21).
Does that mean that we deny the law that we keep on sinning because grace abounds?
No! As Paul addresses this question in 1 Corinthians 10:23 we certainly do NOT! Paul writes that “though all things are lawful to me not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me but not all things edify.”
This means that YES we are at liberty to do what we please. Yes we are going to be forgiven for our wrongs (if in REPENTANCE we actively turn from them and seek forgiveness from the Lord) but even in this liberty with Christ, it will not negate the possibility of harmful or ill-consequences to participating against those things of God.
Moreover, in our genuine belief of what Christ did to obtain His finished works on the cross, why would we ON PURPOSE (essentially) crucify the Lord again in vain for HIS WORKS?
So say that we do willfully act in rebellion against the agreement of His word? What does that mean for us?
One, it means we are not showing those still under the law (unsaved) the benefits and love for Christ. And two, it means that we still reap what we sow – sow to the flesh, reap of the flesh; sow to the Spirit and reap for eternal rewards.
It’s all for the love of God and showing love through following Jesus’ commands.
The point, purpose – meaning of life – is that we all be reconciled to God, through faith in the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ.
WE are NOT the Holy Spirit that convicts but we are the shinning light that points others to Christ.
It is our privileged duty and delight to do as He says to do.
In order words, what we have in Christ cannot be taken away from us but we also don’t want to be the reason that another misses out on eternal glory because they deny the pearl of Christ because we are like swine trampling all over it.
As Paul declares, we are to “seek the profit of many, that they may be saved” (1Corinthians 10:33).
Yes that is true…
But MOREOVER, let us boast in Lord for what He has has done for us.
Let us LIVEOUTLOUD, by our lifestyle, a showing of our thankfulness by living a life worthy of the calling we have received in the saving grace of His death, burial and resurrection.