Gods STAND(ard) for Living by His WORD.

We, as a culture, have perverted the GOSPEL by weakening its point.

It’s time to raise the standard in the expectation of His higher way of living by following His commands.

What can we do?

Can we strengthen what we have weakened without His empowering strength? No. We cannot, in our own power, redeem our sin nature.

We cannot be in relationship with Almighty God while alive in sin.

God hates sin.

Payment for sin is required.

Currency is required for payment of sin. The wages of sin are death. The wrath of God must be satisfied so that His word is justified.

It is more than just saying “we believe” and walking as we did before…it is living in ACTIONABLE STEPS, what we say we believe…

It pleased God to give Jesus wrath.

In Christ’s death and resurrection, God made a way for payment.

What a humbling miracle that God made a way for us back to Him even while we were yet sinners?!?

We must live a life worthy of the calling we have received.

Yes! As it is written in Ephesians 4:1, we are to life a live worthy of the calling we received in Him. We are stand in His way of living in realization of the sacrifice given for us in love.

When we take for granted what Jesus did for us at the cross we, in essence, “trash” the gospel by perverting the gospel.

When we rebellious walk in an unrepentant lifestyle, we actionably show a lack of understanding in the ministry of SAVING GRACE.

Cheapening saving grace is a mockery to the mercy that God has extended to us in our salvation through Jesus Christ.

We need to take God seriously at what He says by His WORD.

We need to take God seriously at what He says by His word by examining the what is required FOR STANDARD of His word.

It is hard to STAND without underSTANDing of the STAND.

Reminder: GOD hates evil. God hates sin. 

And while God is LOVE and His will is for every person to experience His saving grace, not all will choose to accept His terms of restitution. We must maintain the integrity of the gospel by accepting the terms of restitution.


Yes! God demands restitution for sin.

God demands justice. It is Gods very nature to demand justice. Gods holiness is that judgment be rendered for acts of sin.

Every person must decide for his/her self the means by which justice will be served to our Holy God – by His judgment (individually) on us or by His judgment already issued to His son Jesus, who suffered on the cross and already satisfied the wrath of God, who will now cover our payment with His atoning blood.

Jesus is the way, truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.

John 14:6-7

Don’t water down the Gospel by not taking God seriously and submitting to His Word. 

God’s standard for living is based through acceptance of His son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior.  And through submission of surrendering to Christ’s lordship, we will begin to see the higher standard of living (His divine law) by LivingOUTLoud, His standards for living.

Everything that we do in word and deed must draw us closer to God.

Our reflection in action is to be the light that draws others to Christ in whom reveals our God.