Train for REAL LIFE living for the MIND-BODY-SPIRIT CONNECT.

Are you ready to start YOUR PATH to becoming powerfully, purposefully, and intentional in your decisions? Are you ready to work it out in the water? Are you ready to create the WELLNESS plan of action in the outcome goal you are seeking for the life you WANT to livenot escape from…

Ready to set intentions and discover what Living Naked truly means? Ready to practice workouts that replicate real life MOVEMENTS for improved QUALITY of LIFE?

Connect with me for a WELLNESS CONVERSATION of Services of LivingOUTLoud Life…from group or 1:1 AQUA FITNESS, SWIM LESSONS, and more Personal Training for the MIND and/or BODY.

Together, lets FIND YOUR FIT in a CONNECTION CALL today.


End the MENTAL CHATTER and align YOUR thoughts & actions.

Welcome! I am super excited that you are ready to schedule your session time.

By the end of your chosen PATH, you will have a new relationship with yourself and other living habits, discovering all the ways that LivingOUTLoud Life can support you on the next phase of your journey.

You will change your beliefs about yourself and start thinking like a secure, harmonious person.

💚 Your results WILL follow your DECISION to COMMIT to the process.

Let’s connect your REASONS for


and MAKE that CHANGE!

Connect NOW!

* Once you’ve secured a time of meeting, expect next to receive a confirmation email of our virtual appointment time.

Before we meet, I will send to you a “get to know you” form so that we know a little bit more about what we will be looking to discuss in our connection call.

The CONNECTION CALL is free. The intent is for us to DISCOVER our next possible steps together.
I do it for both of us. I like the opportunity for us both of us to treat the first call, as not only a casual conversation, but more like an interview process for the both of us. We both need to feel if there is a FIT between us.
What I have learned most in this process of working together is that we need to find out if we’re a good fit for each other from the start, before we decide to move forward with any type of contracted sessions…this first call will do exactly that.

Together we will build your personalized WELLNESS TOOL BOX, create your WELLNESS ACTION / MAINTENANCE / RELAPSE PREVENTION PLAN, and learn what actions to put into place when you are in crisis mode.

What’s the GENERAL PROCESS for a client?

The P.A.T.H.

The PATH is a generalized process of understanding where a client is on the journey through a purposeful PAUSE, a call to ACTION to develop the TRANSFORMATION as we then HONE the skills through strategies of putting personalized plans into place.


A WELLNESS TOOLBOX is your skills, strategies, tactics and techniques that build your LIFE STRATEGY: Wellness Action Plan (WAP) / Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP).

Why does a person need a WELLNESS (RECOVERY) ACTION PLAN?

Because we need a ROADMAP FORWARD – a FRAMEWORK for LivingOUTLoud LIFE in forward action. The essence of our being for WHOLENESS is looking at all the parts that make us whole BE-ing. Your recovery wellness plan will be comprised of multiple aspects of framework for the method that uses:

  • Outlining Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Main Goal (including your “WHY”)
  • Physical Wellness Goal
  • Mental Health Wellness Goal
  • Spiritual Wellness Goal
  • Occupational Wellness Goal
  • Social Wellness Goal (and Network)

Say what? Explain this to me more.

LivingOUTLoud Life, LLC | Freedom Mindset Alcohol Reset Life Coach: Wellness Choices & Lifestyle Changes

I am a Professionally trained Certified Wellness Advocate, Educator and Life Strategist, helping women develop realistic goals to make positive lifestyle changes that will carry them forward into the LIFE that she was created to live – live out loud and in ACTION of her God-given design.

Everyone should consider having a plan for WELLNESS.

There is VALUE in having a written Wellness Action Plan (WAP). Plans of ACTION empower individuals to address overall well-being by addressing overall LIFESTYLE.

Wellness is obtained through a set of practiced habits; well-being is a state of mind. A Wellness Action Plan is a constructive, productive, proactive, written plan driven by self-responsibility, carried out by the individual.

How does LivingOUTLoud Life, LLC help provide clients with sense of personal well-being?

Assisting women in the empowering process of the “how” to make healing choices through alignment of personal values in relation to outward action, we create a working plan of how to live out loud through God-given principles (as basis for operation) and work the Wellness Goal Plan.

TOGETHER with clients, we build life skills and advance in personal development as we identify who we are (IDENTITY), learn how we are created from within (meaning learning to UNDERSTAND ME – to BE).  The more that we learn WHO we are we can begin to close the gap in understanding the progress points in BECOMING who we want to BE despite the chaos or the circumstances of the world.

Our 1:1 sessions are intended to openly (and personally) examine clients’ relationship with self (and other living habits) to create an authentic lifestyle within their own mind.

  • Promoting functional application of foundational wellness habits.
  • Providing educational groups and 1:1 sessions via virtual settings.

No Coach is for everyone.

To find out if we match read on to see if my philosophy resonates with you.

Where do we start?

We work the plan from biblical principles.

On the basis of scripture that we are free to do anything but that not everything is beneficial, we examine the many things in our life to consider whether or not the “thing” is a benefit to who, what and where we want to BECOME, helping people see how life without alcohol is a benefit – a wellness conversation to be had…

Our teachings are on the basis that SELF CARE is BIBLICAL and necessary for WHOLE LIFE LIVING.

We are given the responsibility of stewardship over ourselves and it is our personal responsibility to carefully maintain, guard (protect) and recover our temple.

What makes me qualified?

Life living experience….plus +

+ I am a Certified Professional Life Coach, holding additional certificates of training in Brain Healthy Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindful Relationships, Reflexology and Vitality Lifestyle Coaching. (Currently in progress of earning my credentials as a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach from NASM but don’t YET hold those certifications. I am also a certified swim instructor seeking my Aqua Fitness training credentials.)

Also I am CERTIFIED as a COACH for This Naked Mind. The methodology of This Naked Mind is a new and different approach to habit change.

Our programs are grounded in learning self growth and personal development where clients explore/inquire into fundamental beliefs and issues from the viewpoint of historical conditioning (in other words, inherited viewpoints of society) around our SELF and other living habits (specifically I work with around the living habit of ALCOHOL and with women who struggle to use it as a coping mechanism who wrongfully use the destructive tool of alcohol for emotional regulation and masking other pains of life.)

The unconscious mind is a powerful driving force that propels behavior through thought and emotion.

Together we question social norms…we learn to embrace God-given emotions as guideposts. And we learn how to RESPOND to life rather than REACTING to it’s chaotic circumstances.

With my clients I am gifted the opportunity to

Are we a good fit?

My favorite clients are ones who have the desire to boot the bottle and habit of ALCOHOL and WANT to learn how to live life from the posture of a FREEDOM MINDSET and ALCOHOL-FREE.

Yep TOGETHER we INTENTIONALLY go after the life God intended…and NOT a life just settled for because it’s always been that way.

Yep there’s a journey of recovery and gain as we go after a life-living alcohol-free.

AND I am so blessed to work with individuals that want to learn how to begin LivingOUTLoud Life…

* For clients working with the living habit of alcohol, I work best with clients that are ready for ACTION and have already committed to THE DECISION to live life alcohol-free but are struggling to close the gap of making it happen; and those clients who are working in MAINTAINING an alcohol-free lifestyle forward.

What do I believe?

I believe that God is the author of life.

To better BE, we operate through His God-given brain design via His original curriculum of science.

We are FREE to BE, FREE to ACT as a matter of personal choice Gods idea: FREE WILL.

We are, however, never free from consequence of our CHOICES.

Curious…keep reading to learn more ⬇️

I do NOT determine what’s right or wrong for others (that is between the individual and God); I simply question the constraints that I hear in someone else and together we search the WORD to see what God has to say on the matter.

We use scientific evidence based methods to support the WORD in achieving DESIRED GOALS.

The individual reserves the right to CHOOSE to apply (or not) the findings…the individual must decide if the CHOICE is serving their IDENTITY and LIFE MISSION.

When I refer to the TEMPLE, I am referencing our BODY. The body is the foundational support system for the SPIRIT and the MIND.

Using God’s LIVING ENERGY, we are carriers in this realm for His living energy as we passionately, intentionally live OUT loud life with His ideas as life operating principles for LIVING WELL in HIM.

Rooted Wellness is being firmly grounded in understanding that God intended for us to live abundantly in blessing; not yoked in curse and it’s effects.

He provided a way for us to be spiritually FREE…it is our personal responsibility to maintain it.

NAKED is a life lived in authenticity, without covering of mask (false pretenses). We want to BECOME as NAKED as the original garden allowed, realizing that perfection is unattainable in this life but that leaning into His image of WELLNESS (being mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually fit is our everyday AIM to increase.)

The key to FAITHFULLY LIVING is relying on His WORD for direction of action.

We renew our minds in TRUTH.

LivingOUTLoud Life is about learning how to BECOME as part (to the whole) of His GRACE plan through His original design of creation and intentions for living.

We are COUNTER CULTURALLY throwing off the identity of the world and leaning into authentically LivingOUTLoud Life in a style that includes:


We are getting comfortable with setting and maintaining boundaries that bring personal peace, exploring healthy ways to regulate emotional responses and practice self soothing behaviors while operationally CHOOSING to stay right in our personal role (in life) through the law of love.

* law of love as defined in 1 Corinthians 13 and in 1 John

Interested in learning more about what we can create together?

Contact me!

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