Can you drink from the cup because the “Kool-Aid” is STOUT?!

The cup of suffering is internalized through SUBMISSION and walked out in LOVE.

To be great, you must be willing to be small. 

In order to be first, you must be last.
The start of YOUR NEW LIFE in HIM will lead to greatness! 

Greatness is achieved in HUMILITY.

Humility is caught by learned living – experience!  It is not something that we are naturally born into being – humble…but are offered in the receiving of freedom from the gift of the cup.

Wow! You better count the cost before you willingly accept the cup…

The cup, the “Kool-Aid” is the blood 🩸- the BLOOD of JESUS! It’s a sweet surrender to His ways, a washing of the WORD – HIM!

As we decorate the inside of ourselves, the forethought reminder is to yield to HIS ways.

Is it hard? Yes!

Is it the natural way of the world? No! 

Jesus came to reconcile us to God.

He came to save us from ourselves and our own self-deserving wrath.

The cup, the “Kool-Aid”, the washing, the decorating on the inside ain’t always going to look pretty! But its results yield BEAUTY!

Keep drinking. Keep partaking!!!

Keep surrendering your will to His ways! Daily TAKE up your cross! Do not skip the process of the cross – the willingness to die to yourself and world ways, as He convicts and directs. This is a process of the journey. And the goal is progress points along your path of process.

There is a diamond in the rough revealed from the process – a GEM. 

The GEM is YOU in HIM! You are his precious treasure!

When you choose to drink the cup, remember your WHY of acceptance – keep persevering even through the times that FEEL bad because the end result is a shining stone – intended to reflect his light!

Don’t give up on the journey! 

Build ON the ROCK of salvation, SOLID GROUND (formed truths in and from HIM). Reflect HIS LIGHT to LIFE. 

Push on. Focus forward. Fashion yourself in Him. Trust the process. 

And remember the cup ain’t free… but freely given… and in surrender to the sweetness of its taste (applied in your walk out in living), it brings FREEDOM!

LiveOUTLoud in your LOVE WALK with Him!

Fashion forward in your uniquely designed purpose in HIM. 

Be willing to take the cup – though it may be STOUT; its end results are SWEET and SMOOTH (the eternal destination)!


For it is HIS honor and glory we seek. Taking the cup gives our lives in exchange for HIS!!