Our bodies are the covering to ourselves – mind and spirit.
Our minds create thoughts which produce actions.
Our spiritual state (heart matters) influence our thoughts, which are reflected through our bodies.
What we do with our bodies in action impacts the length of time on earth and the destiny we LiveOutLoud.
It’s so very important the we resolve within ourselves to keep a heartcheck on our mental mindset and attitude so that we live a life that we beleive in, not a life based just on what we say that we believe in…
Knowing the word does not give us life living actionable faith.
Living the WORD shows our devotion to the WORD.
We cannot claim belief in His word and liveOUTLoud the opposite meaning (even the devil and his minions can “quote” the scripture…without living in alignment of its instruction).
We fool only ourselves by thinking knowing the word is what saves us. Its not! A life of action is the manifestation of our true internal beliefs.
Confidence in doing the word, and not just knowing the word, IS fashioning forward a lifestyle for Him through the law of love – AND an outward action of true devotion stemmed from our internal belief.
God’s love has practical goals in this life.
Love protects at all costs. Love is something that we DO.
And living in love is an outward action of our true devotion stemmed from our internal belief.
Is fear keeping you trapped from LivingOUTLoud your faith?
Fear comes from a perceived threat.
Fear is when you think you’ve done something that you should be punished for…
The opposite of fear is love. When you live out loud love there is no fear.
If are living in fear, check heart level of devotion.
✔️ Are you seeking material possession?
✔️Are you seeking security on this earth or salvation for yourself and others?
✔️Are your emotions guiding your actions?
Knowing our aim of devotion tests the hearts and its motives for action against the action.
Being truthful about who we really are allows His presence, His light. Secrets keep us trapped, isolated in our own will, pretending to be something that we are not.
A false pretense will never bring true healing or an authentic life.
The light is meant to expose what’s in the dark of our hearts and the light then illuminates…
Truth is to be lived out loud in action not just spoken.
We need a standard of measure that is ABSOLUTE for truth.
God‘s word is the absolute standard of truth. Culture changes, feelings fluctuate, and peoples perceptions are subjective truth.
Gods standards have never changed. His ways are not to condemn us but to fulfill us.
The very reason that Jesus came was to fulfill the law not abolish it.
We are to choose life, to speak life, support life and encourage life for ourselves and others.
Be encouraged..
I want to encourage you today to be decorated in love and to LiveOutLoud His absolute truth.