This is your engagement time period before the wedding.

Think of this next step as a purposeful retreat in Him, a soul sabbatical, it is our engagement period with Christ.  During this lifetime, we are in an engagement with the Savior until the day He returns to redeem us as His Bride. Our eternal life is an eternal marriage.  Use your engagement period as You are married to the Savior, intimately learn how to be with Him. 

Think back to the context of Jesus’ time – the betrothal of His earthly parents Joseph and Mary.  They were engaged to be married.  During that time period  and in the culture of Judaism, to break an engagement required what we in today’s culture would equate to a divorce.  The example of marriage (today’s worldview) is a reflection of the oneness of Christ and His bride (chosen people to reign and rule in all of eternity). 

Prepare for the Wedding Ceremony.

When he returns for us (either by our appointed time of death or His return for His people), our engagement period instantly turns into the promise of marriage with Him.

During this lifetime we are simply learning how to be a purified wife to Christ. (Even our earthly marriages are only a representation of what our marriage to Christ is to look like.)

That’s why we are commanded to be equally yoked with someone – so that we glorify Christ in marriage.  God’s goal in marriage is to reflect the unity of Him and Christ and Christ and us (Christ closes the gap (Ephesians 2:14). 

God’s will is for us to submit to another.  Christ submitted first by dying for us on the cross, and we in turn are to submit to Him out of love and reverence – our respect for Him. 

To submit means to live harmoniously with another, honoring the chain of command and instructions of God’s ways – His commands. (Submission is not a doorway for one person to be a doormat to another but to act in love for (not for the person but for) our higher authority, the Chief Commanding Officer, God our Father, Christ our King.

Remember FAITH believes in His saving grace.  Saving grace is found hidden in Christ.  Christ is the covering the protects and closes the gap, reconciling us to God.  Therefore we are one in HIM.  As one in Him, our unity takes on the identity of Christ.  We look to Him to say who were are…

The Bridegroom is on the way…

Be a lady in waiting for your wedding day. Await with great expectation, spotless and pure for your husband to be.