The Law of Harvest is real.
Everything planted in the dark will grow into the light.
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of the faith” (Galations 6: 7-10).
Don’t think that you are fooling God. He made your heart; He knows your heart.
I have a tendency to start out the right way. Don’t you?
Truth be told, I sometimes start doing “it” God’s way, not necessarily because it’s in my heart to do so, but because the Bible says so. Yep, that’s admittance of a legalistic checklist and not a “working” motivated by grace.
Have you been there too?
If so, would you agree that’s our own red flag for heart motivation for WHY we are doing the “why” of what you are doing? Does that make sense?
What about losing strength? You ever get to the point it “feels” so hopeless, that our emotion help us to LESS the HOPE we know that we have in the HOPE of Christ?
I’ll admit, I too sometimes loose my strength of the Spirit, and depart (forsake) the rules to begin operating in the flesh (the ways of the world to succeed).
I sometimes lack the patience and confidence to take God at His word. What about you?
Do you realize what are actions are really speaking? Really livingoutloud?
The actions then in essence, saying, “Lord you’ve got this ____we do ___ your way. But since I gave you a chance and I feel you didn’t work it accounting to MY WILL, then I’m taking back control.
eeekkkk!!!!!! Really? Really we do that to the Author (of Life), Creator (of all things), the Alpha and the Omega?!?!
It doesn’t even make sense that we would “talk back (act back) to Him like that…but we do.
Reality check: the only consistency it shows is that the heart does not trust (remember trust and faith are actionable steps).
Ok, let’s take this further into illustration.
To illustrate, think of the parable in the New Testament about planting a crop. Are you familiar with the parable?
A farmer plants many seeds in the ground, covers the seeds and waits in hope of a plentiful a crop to harvest.
What can we immediately learn?
This process is not instant – it takes time from the beginning of preparing the ground (in preparation for the seed to be planted) to inserting the seed into the ground, covering the seed and allowing the necessary time for the see to take root.
The process involves time underground.
The farmer then waits for the crop to come to completion so that the crop can be harvested.
Ever seen a farmer get impatitent in the process and dig the field up to get “help” the seed because its not growing quickly enough?
Ok. Here’s another one...
Explore this next real life event…a pregnant woman.
It takes 9 months to grow a baby.
The woman only keeps care of her body and helps with the process of getting pregnant and delivery.
The woman does NOTHING to grow a leg or form the body in her growing womb. She is simply there for the process, watching and waiting.
Her body is merely there for the use of the baby to grow. At no point in the process, does the woman say, “today I will make the liver” or “tomorrow I will grow a toe?”
She doesn’t ever get to do that! She is merely be used as a vessel for life to be birthed forward. She is “there” for the process…
So why don’t we get it???
Why is is it so hard to do it according to His word and take Him at His word? Trust and obey, He tells us.
Once we become His, we hand our lives over to Him for the process.
We are merely willing turning ourselves over to because a crop for harvest.
We get to be all He calls us to be in Him.
But we don’t get to choose how He uses us to “process.” It is for His good purpose and glory to do as He will.
Are you willing to be processed? Are you willing to be a vessel? Are you willing to sacrifice whatever you deem precious to TRUST HIM with the process?
It’s a heavily loaded question that one most often cannot truly answer until put to the test…