Staying Above the Wellness Line:

Foundational & Functional FITNESS for the MIND, BODY, SPIRIT.

We GET to live a life that is enjoyable and without harm of ourselves or others. We get to guard, care for and love our mind and body.

But what about when life GETS life-y?

What about when we DIP BELOW the WELLNESS LINE?

How do we RECONNECT to our own self and live life from the posture of CENTER (of gravity)?


✔️Identify unhealthy coping mechanisms, patterns and triggers and find ways to make HEALTHIER CHOICES.

🌸 Let’s not just focus on the symptoms of “dis-ease” but put systems of solutions in place for WELL LIVING.

Seems simple – try to eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, and connect with others. Avoid habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. BUT sometimes simple is not that easy

As a part of your healing journey, it is very important to find the path that works best for you.

Christ gives us the STRENGTH to be happy regardless of circumstances.

CHOOSING TO BE HAPPY, despite circumstances, is something that we GET to choose to do.

 "Not that I speak in respect of wany: for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith be content" (Philippians 4:11, King James Bible).

Looking for peace in times of uncertainty?

I recommend that you take time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, engage with others in meaningful way’s (participate in community practices like AQUAFITNESS), find a way to be a part of being something bigger than yourself (through volunteering, smiling, sprinkling kindness), find YOUR sense of BALANCE (intentionally releasing emotional energy through healthy outlets, learning new stress management techniques so that stress does not negatively impact your life), practice relaxation exercises (for both the mind and body), reflect on your life (take time to pause and find a way to creatively express yourself like through journaling, drawing, dancing, singing), go be IN nature (surround yourself with God’s creative, majestic beauty and be reminded that you are more precious to Him that even those things of which you are viewing, be reminded that He created the heavens and the earth – and that YOU are so very important to Him).


Find your FIT through…Self-Care.

✔️ MINDFUL MOVEMENT promoting Functional Fitness for daily living (physical activity with intention of being functionally fit for the mind-body connection)

✔️ MINDFUL EATING & NUTRITION (not diet – think LIFESTYLE changes)

✔️ SLEEP HYGIENE (for daily repair and life recovery)

✔️ STRESS MANAGEMENT (for life living in a chaotic world)

✔️ WATER (in the terms of both for purpose of HYDRATION, AQUA FITNESS and MOOD ELEVATION)

✔️ OIL-INFUSED LIVING (Yep! In addition to VITAMINS (supplements) essential oils have been a SUPER essential SOLUTION for me!)

EVERYDAY use of essential oils (plus vitamins)!

Essential oils are natures LIVING energy, an amazing life force with so many amazing benefits!

Self-care at its CORE is really soul-care.

To assess your current level of self-care, click here to connect with Young Living’s online assessment and suggestions for practice.

To connect directly to myYL (Young Living) referral page, select this link for Oil-Infused Living.

Upcoming Classes

  • Essential Oils 101
  • Healing, Trauma, the Mind and Oils
  • The History of Oils and the Bible
  • How stress affects the body and daily incorporation of essential oils to promote healthy body systems, clarity, balance, grounding and more.
  • Skincare – Why taking care of your skin boosts your confidence and mood.
  • Training for Embodiment: Exercise as a means to cultivate a healthy relationship with your own body, developing a sense of safety from within.
  • Benefits of Water Fitness.