Stop arguing.
You’ve lost the battle already once you’ve stepped from beyond the dialogue (exchange of information) onto the ground of FIGHT.
Fights stand in position of defense, with determination only to win.
Being angry while condemning another person (with an opposing viewpoint) is equal to death in a relationship.
Again, you’ve already lost the battle once you’ve stepped beyond the dialogue.
Let everyone CHOOSE.
Choose wisely for yourself. Determine your own stand and then lean in 💯 to whatever you put your faith into…
Your faith is what saves you.
The question of CHOICE is:
WHAT, or to WHOM, do you stock your FAITH into for security?
In that self determined, saving faith is your treasure. And where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.
You can’t ARGUE someone into believing what you believe…that’s called being a domineering tyrant.
Do you really want someone to agree with your heart position because you bullied them into believing it?
Ha! That’s outward conformity not heart belief…
Motives of the heart are what stimulate action with real, lasting value.
Actions reveal the TRUE core of the heart. When a person is left to his or her own self to decide the CHOICE becomes REAL.
Stop arguing. Share. Educate. Dialogue.
Then watch…
Why argue when you can see in ACTION that persons heart demonstrated belief?