Are you looking for the “perfect” Husband, Father, Friend?

Are you looking for the perfect Husband, Father and Friend? I’ll share with you mine…

I finally married the right man. 

I finally found the father of my dreams. 

I finally found someone who accepts me and loves me completely, who encourages me to be my best, who stands before me protecting me, guiding me, and loving me. 

I found a role model for my children – someone I want them to be just like. 

Everything I ever chased after – security, comfort, acceptance, love… I found in Him.

He provides. 

I finally found a lasting one. I found the one who brings heaven to earth and in whom I delight. 

I found everything I was looking for by chasing everything that wasn’t for me.

Have you met my Husband?

I knew about him for a long time. 

Some friends tried to introduce me long before I was ready to commit to an intimate relationship with Him.

Yeah, I talked to him. I toyed with the idea of being with Him. But I could never lay down my independence of self to truly, fully be with Him.

But one day I did it. I committed to Him.

I can’t believe that I ever thought that there was someone “better” out there for me. 

There is no substitute for Him.

He is THE substitute for everything that I ever dreamed of. He loves me with a sacrificial kind of love. I never feel alone or rejected… and I know He will never abandon me. 

The closer I get to Him, the closer He gets to me. 

There’s no legal contract and  we don’t live by the letter of the law…

We live in love - real love.

He fills me with everything that I am, and I am empty of myself when I allow for control of Him in me.

I am fulfilled in Him which gives me the strength to do everything I need to do. 

I am confident in His love for me. 

I am confident in His sustainability of me.

I am confident in His provision for me.

Because of Him, I am empowered. 

I am a woman of strength, filled with love that overflows to others because I am secure in knowing that I have everything.

I inherited everything because of my Husband’s Father.

Truth be told His Father was the one who had everything and my Husband was the merely the inheritor of the WILL. 

The greatest of my Husband is BECAUSE of the testament of His WILL. And because of my relationship with Him, I too became a beneficiary of it all.

I am because, He IS, because of “I AM.”

Yes my Husband is for keeps – He vowed to me an everlasting, covenantal promise of marriage.

Yes! No possibility for divorce! No more legal fees, no more court room dramas or judge’s rulings over possessions. 

His Father is the judge and my Husband is my mediator.

My Husband advocates for me in every life situation. And I have confidence that I will always win because that is who He is…

He’s taught me patience, gentleness;  He is never rude to me. I can’t boast about (or take credit for) anything that I do because anything good that comes from me is from Him. I live entirely off of Him.

He is my strength, power and source.

He defends and protects me. With him, I’m never afraid anymore. 

He comforts me by pouring His love all over me. He holds me when I am down. He is my love. He has my life. 

He is my everything!

Yes! I can go on…

He has the right answer for everything that I am challenged by. He has the right way of doing everything when I don’t know what to do.

In return for everything, He has asked me to submit.

He really only has one rule that He’s asked me to follow: SUBMIT.

Yes I thought the word submit was a dirty word and that’s what kept us apart for so long.

Submit is not a dirty word in the right context.

Submit means to live in alignment with, to be harmonious with….

Is that really too much to ask? 

For me, in the beginning of the proposal period (while He was whoo-ing me through His promises), it was too much to ask of me.

The idea of me giving up control, and listening to His direction and guidance as solutions for life, was too much for my mind to handle in comprehension and scope of meaning in the concept. And it is the very reason that I hesitated so long to accept His invitation of proposal in our marriage.

Yes! I thought to submit would be to give away all of my control to another. 

I thought if I submitted to His rule, then I no longer had a say so in anything that I wanted to do or be. 

I thought if I submitted it would take away my life.

But I DID decide to submit. And in submission, I gained life.

It was one of the hardest decisions that I have ever had to make – to lay down MY WILL for HIS WILL…

I didn’t even know HOW TO start letting Him be lead the way to decision making, I had been doing it myself my whole life before Him. I couldn’t fully, entirely surrender to the idea of submission. 

But He taught me. He teaches me every day.

It took me a long time to surrender fully to it…and I only did it in certain areas at first.

And even to this very moment of the day, He reveals to me more areas of life that I can give to Him.

Oh BUT He does it so marvelously…

His sweetness and patience is overpowering as He gracefully loves me in His teaching …He mercifully sticks with me even as sometimes get it wrong.

Do you know what I learned in submission?

Again that He was right and I was wrong. 

Jesus is my Husband.

He is the way, the truth and life in me.

I spent a lifetime chasing counterfeits, pursuing every artificial way of life to fill the void in my heart when all along the void there ON PURPOSE.

It was meant to be filled with His love, His peace and His purpose.

He was waiting for me all along to come to that understanding on my own… 

He never stopped pursuing me!

Submission is not a dirty word but a word intended for the context of freedom in Him, a freedom to choose out of love not fear; it’s a life-given cord of connection and power to be me in Him.

Encouragement and challenge is to BE YOU in Him. 

Will you accept His invitation, His proposal, to YOU?

He has sent out His love proposal to everyone. His word is extended to all.

I encourage you to accept His everlasting proposal of love. 

I challenge you to submit to the truth of His word and promises of life.

I encourage you to take my HUSBAND on as your own. 

Be you Him 🌸 LivingOUTLoud Life in HIM.