Coach Crystal Anne, CPC
Wellness Advocate, Educator, Life Strategist & Essential Oil Enthusiast.

With courage, curiosity and deliberate action, I am encouraging others to openly (& personally) examine their relationship with self, other living habits and other people with intention of creating an authentically NAKED lifestyle within their own MIND; EMPOWERING others to make healing WELLNESS choices through alignment of personal values in relation to outward action; promoting functional application of foundational wellness habits in order to LIVE the LIFE that is created for and not just settled for…


Yes, after the crisis of the pandemic, and the chaos (and confusion) of the circumstances in the world, I became more determined than ever to gain emotional wellness within myself and clarity in my own mind.

After years of struggling to perform consistent with the checklists of the world, I decided NO MORE…

With intention and purpose, I am moving my life forward into creating a life living above the WELLNESS line, breaking free from the dichotomy of who the world says I AM to BE…

… BE-coming “THAT” woman that God created me TO BE in (and for) HIM.

Freedom Mindset

Finding hope and healing…gaining my strength from confidence in spiritual principles and cognitive practices (DESPITE the chaos existing in this world), I am changing my perspective of who I am…and living INTO the essence of my whole-being…

Through the moment of NOW and IN ACTION, I am LivingOUTLoud the life I want to live and not just SETTLE for (a life) by default just because “it’s always just been that way.”

I am LivingOUTLoud Life NOW, NAKED in SELF-ALIGNMENT, ROOTED in WELLNESS from within, unapologetically LivingOUTLoud Life in truth of the ESSENCE of me.

As a Certified Professional Life Coach,, I am now using my past journey with alcohol for anchor in purpose (rather than shame), to share the path to FREEDOM FORWARD with others.

Alcohol Reset

Yes ALCOHOL. Once the domino effect of my relationship with alcohol fell forward so did most other relationships in my life. I am proof-positive that changing this is the needed key to unlocking freedom.

Nearly two decades ago, when I first questioned my relationship with alcohol, the question only posed two possible solutions: alcoholic or not.

But neither choice was my absolute truth.

And I spent years trying to prove BOTH sides to be TRUE and FALSE; neither was confirmed.

Because there’s another choice.

There is a way to be in CONTROL of alcohol without signing up for a label and leaning into a societal definition.

There is a way forward LivingOUTLoud Life without the DESIRE for alcohol.

Without desire, there is no temptation. This is what I share in my THIS NAKED MIND programs.

Renew your mind.

Taking control of my thought life through self-awareness and reflection techniques, gaining understanding of who I AM at the core level of personal values, coupled with tools to improve my emotional life and energy, I began living out life (in action) of what I WANTED to live rather than focusing on what I wanted to escape.

Freedom from within released me from an adoption of living into a label of “alcoholic or not” AND FREEDOM from the desire to use it.

No longer do I spend time or energy on mental chatter arguing within myself the question, “will I disparaging use my willpower to abstain from alcohol or give in to indulging in it without care?”

Neither – because neither part of the question is relevant to my life.

And so, I am in CONTROL of ALCOHOL.

That’s right! Alcohol no longer controls me and I am NOT powerless against it.

Alcohol-use has become irrelevant in my life as a coping mechanism to emotionally function (or, in reality, lack thereof…) and/or escape the overwhelm of life’s stressors.

My thoughts are what impacted my life.

My thoughts are what gave way to my feelings and established my beliefs…

My identity and self-concept are what were damaged.

With healing foremost in my mind, learning to acknowledge and embrace my God-given emotions (with compassionate confrontation to the feelings in my body), I was able to stop trying so hard to be accepted, or good enough to be worthy of being loved.

With renewed connection of my spirit -mind-body, I finally learned how to connect to all parts of me into WHOLENESS; finding freedom from my desire to gravitate towards alcohol to self-medicate my pain, feelings of insignificance and hating my own self.

My relationship with alcohol on a spectrum and not an absolute.

Objective TRUTH is NOT based on personal preference… morality and life giving principles don’t roll with the ebb and flow of cultural standards.
You CAN manufacture your own definition of TRUTH but it doesn’t redefine the ABSOLUTE.

Coach Crystal Anne, CPC

I found my “absolute” standard of truth in God’s WORD. And my identity in who He (above) says that I AM began molding me into the woman I desired to BECOME (in Him).

Following His command to renew my mind into His WORD to find the will for my life (Romans 12:2), I applied This Naked Mind’s “science-based, compassion-led methodology that actually changes your desire to drink by systematically targeting your subconscious beliefs about alcohol.” I found FREEDOM from the desire of using alcohol to self medicate by getting to the roots of my beliefs and listening to my emotions for the purpose of self awareness and response over immediate “feel-it” reaction.

A negative thought life robs us of our peace and joy. I learned how to stop avoiding “negative” feelings, numbing pain and escaping from the one person that I could never get away from – ME!

His WORD reminded my that I am fearfully and wonderfully made; a royal diadem created for His good works. So I embraced His idea of (His) living IDENTITY and put into practice of building an intentional THOUGHT LIFE, focusing my mind (heart/soul) into His principles of life.

What we focus on in our minds and our hearts becomes the object of our attention.

Coach Crystal Anne, CPC

I found self-acceptance and emotional wellness within. I became my own best friend and had a love affair with me because of my Kingdom love affair in Him.

Letting go of alcohol gave me the physical CLARITY that I needed to pursue the life I WANTED to live (and not escape from), but it didn’t stop there…

Now, I care about the RELATIONSHIP that I have with ME and could care less IF I am an “alcoholic or not,” (according to the world’s standard of definition of it). I care about the RELATIONSHIP that I personally have with use of the substance of alcohol. I care what God thinks of me (rather than man). He has given me a place of BELONGING (love and acceptance) and given to me many resources to navigate living in a culturally chaotic world.

Who the Son sets FREE is free indeed. I am chosen, not forsaken, I AM who you say I AM.

(Paraphrased from Hillsong Worship based from scripture John 8:36)

And in my FREEDOM, I finally realized my purposeful passion is to help others find the same freedom that I had spent nearly half of my life seeking…SELF-ALIGNMENT, from the inside-out…LivingOUTLoud Life – Naked: Rooted in Wellness.

You BECOME what you practice.

Coach Crystal Anne, CPC

Certified Professional Life Coach: Freedom Mindset Alcohol Reset

Yes, so now in my 40’s, I am embarking on this journey forward launching LivingOUTLoud Life, LLC and offering the same programs, tools and techniques that served me into transforming my mental mindsets, growing my emotional wellness within and unleashing the woman I was created to BE.

I am beyond happy to be journeying along with you and excited to get to personally know YOU, sharing our stories and encouraging YOU to BE-come the woman you were meant to BE!

Together, we get to change the world: one heart & mind at a time!!!

👉 think of me as your PERSONAL TRAINER for MENTAL MINDSETS and Mindful Movement 💚


🙋🏻‍♀️ I am a Certified Professional Life Coach, holding additional certificates of training in Brain Healthy Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindful Relationships, Reflexology and Vitality Lifestyle Coaching, Aqua Fitness & Swimming Instructor, and Facilitator for “Born to Move.” (Currently in progress of earning my credentials as a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach from NASM but don’t YET hold those certifications.)

🙋🏻‍♀️ Also I am CERTIFIED as a COACH for This Naked Mind and Affective Liminal Physchology Certified. (The methodology of This Naked Mind is a new and different approach to habit change.)

Our programs are grounded in learning self growth and personal development where clients explore/inquire into fundamental beliefs and issues from the viewpoint of historical conditioning (in other words, inherited viewpoints of society) that unconsciously drive our conscious behavior around ALCOHOL (and other relational habits).

✔️ The unconscious mind is a powerful driving force that propels behavior through thought and emotion.

Together we question social norms…we learn to embrace God-given emotions as guideposts. And we learn how to RESPOND to life rather than REACTING to it’s chaotic circumstances.

With my clients I am gifted the opportunity to educate and help strategize in areas of WELLNESS & LIFESTYLE CHANGES.

  • Certifications of Brain Health, Mindfulness, and Mindful Relationships completed through Southwest Community College by Allegra Learning Solutions, LLC which is approved provider with the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) and professional development by American Nurses Credentialing Centers Commission on Accreditation
  • Life Coaching Essentials Training via International Association of Professional Recovery Coaches
  • Previous mentor for Women for Sobriety (WFS) and Leadership roles with Celebrate Recovery (CR)
  • Guide for This Naked Mind virtual masterclass training events and online Live Alcohol Experiment challenges
  • Numerous alcohol masterclasses (including the Alcohol Experiment challenge by “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace)
  • Certified This Naked Mind Coach
  • Certified Affective Liminal Psychology Coach
  • Certified Swim Instructor, CPR/AED
  • Certified Professional Life Coach
  • Certified Aqua Fitness Instructor
  • In progress of Certification from NASM for Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach
  • Non CEU courses in reflexology and aromatherapy
  • Bachelor of Arts degree in Technical and Professional Writing (University of Memphis)

For more information about private coaching sessions and life courses, please use the link below to schedule for a FREE 1 hour DISCOVERY CALL SESSION with Coach Crystal Anne, CPC