Clarity is the most important thing we can have as we move forward.

Clarity grants us opportunity to choose the habits that we daily practice so that reactive choices are NOT dictating life for us.

We need physical clarity and emotional clarity to make single-minded choices forward.

And it all starts in the brain!

Yes, it all starts in the brain by marrying our “two minds” – the cognitive (conscious, thinking part of the brain that responds to our thoughts) and the limbic (unconscious emotional part of the brain that reacts to our desires).

Discovering what we truly believe about ourselves and putting into practice our personal values is truly a game changer.

When we know WHO WE ARE (identity) we act on WHO we are (behavior).

So one of the first things that we examine in changing our “mindset” of “identity” is to BECOME AWARE of our greatest MIND(set) influencers…which negate our authentic self.

💯 With new KNOWLEDGE, we have new EMOTIONS, which together produce new BEHAVIORS.

BE a part of this MOVEMENT. BECOME your HIGHEST potential as you examine your relationship with alcohol.

✔️ Join us as we examine our thoughts, learn strategies the soothe emotional stress, calm the body’s stress response, invest in our identity and gain new tools to solve life’s problems by God’s design, using His original curriculum of science applied to His principles of living from the inside OUT.

👆Select above “discover your next steps” to schedule your DISCOVERY call session (via Zoom) to discuss what a personalized
program looks like for you.
(All contracted clients begin with a
6 week SOUL SABBATICAL course).

⚠️ Reminder: FREE WILL is a God-given right. This is NOT a medical recovery program. Medical diagnosis on any part of the substance use disorder spectrum should be overseen by the medical profession community. This path of sober living is for those who are choosing sobriety for health benefits/overall wellness of the mind-body-spirit connect.

⚠️ I honor YOUR decision to choose HOW the role of alcohol continues in YOUR life. This is your journey; it is your choice for how and in what ways you gain empowerment over your life.

Again it is YOUR choice whether or not you choose to keep OR rid yourself of the physical alcohol substance during your self care recovery journey.

  • My goal is to educate, validate, support and encourage you on your journey of self care and love.
  • I will CHALLENGE you to openly explore the TRUTH behind the substance of alcohol.
  • I meet you where you are NOW and help you move FORWARD.