Thomas Hobbes “asserted that human desires is the fundamental motivation of all human action” (Wikipedia…).
I am not one easily persuaded to believe it in my heart and accept it as a truth until I repeatedly experience it – that’s how I own the truth. Telling me once does not make me a believer nor would it be my intent to force another to believe based on an “I said so,” factor.
We believe something based on our perception, therefore I would encourage myself and others to define his/her reality.
Reality is hard to define though if it’s constantly changing “blowing in the wind.” The best place to begin is at what we see…actions in motion. Our actions are the evidence of what we believe.
So if you’re not sure yet what you believe, look at what you do. What we do is our self-created reality.
“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he tries to hide.”
Andre Malraux
Our self-created reality is not merely on accident but instead built upon the many daily decisions that ultimately sculpt our reality.
In other words, what we do in action is who we really are in our hearts – we’re merely acting out the overflow of the beliefs and desires from within.
We have to be very careful about where and within whom we place our identity.
Misplaced identity can quickly cause a collapse.
When we are NOT stabilized (firmly rooted) in who we are, we will be all over the place in our desires. Consequently, our decision making process will be clouded and therefore choices will NOT be single-focused resulting in the choices that don’t necessarily agree or carry the external weight and glory desired by the Lord (my belief system/standard of measure).
I was so insecure in who I was – trying to prove to myself that I had value and worth that I worked at pleasing people to whatever degree in order to feel needed and loved.
Can you admit to that?
I put my confidence initially in my own skills…my worth “proved” by degrees, papers of achievement and recognition, awards, honors of society and man.
Have you been in that place before?
Attempting to prove your worth and honor before a world system that will not ultimately honor YOU in return?
Have you sought such an arena in the world?
Seeking marks of achievement to validate your self worth?
The Bible says in Matthew 28:10
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
And in Galatians 1:10
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Our perceptions create our reality.
Our actions will follow the thought processes that we (at our core level) believe.
Choosing to give away the authority of what we believe to satisfy people (even self), gives away the ability to BE who we are created to be in Him.
Reality must be must be firmly established and rooted in truth so that we know how to train forward so that “we can work out our salvation with fear and trembling did it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:12-13).
What is your focus of reality based on? Promises or circumstances?
Knowing your stand will determine your directional movement. Knowing the treasures (desires) of your heart will guide you.
As your press into determination of who you believe to hold authority for your identity – your worth, value and love, is the ONE that you will learn to live for…
With spiritual treasures guarded and mindset anchored in who you “give” authority into to determine your reality (of identity) will shape your perception…
Again perception creates reality. Who do YOU believe holds the authority/standard of measure for living?
Is your reality focused in temporal living, opinions of people, validation of the world system? Or is your reality focused by the lens of purpose in the eternal focus?