123123 Countdown and Into 2024…with PEACE & CLARITY.

Let life be lived out loud, in action and in full color…of ONE VOW…

➡️ the law of love in Him. 💗🤗

Everything is meaningless…except to fear God (coming into love, respect and harmony of Him and His ways).

Get wisdom. Apply wisdom. Practice wisdom.

🎯 Love is what endures…God is love and in Him love covers a multitude of sins.

Laugh, pray and enjoy all the days of this “meaningless” life living on HOPE…come to terms with what lasts without looking for loop holes 🕳️.

Eccessiates 5: Fulfill your VOW to God…everything else is meaningless.

🕊️ In this life there will be confusion, disorder and chaos but in decision to live an active order of operations there will be peace…for He is a god of ORDER.

🕊️ The purpose of life is not the “American Dream” but in LivingOUTLoud Life through Gods Dream…as it was originally designed in the garden…

(Nehemiah) Pray to the Lord, “now strengthen my hands,” devoting ourselves to the work the the wall.”

✔️ Focus on the mission of God, not the distractions of the enemy.

💥 “Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome and fight for your sons, daughters, your wives and homes” (Nehemiah 4: opposition of the rebuilding).

💯 As we celebrate the marking on the EVE of the New Year, let us remember that the eternal is NOW…time (as we know it) exists merely in this realm…

🕊️ RESTORATION: God’s agenda and mission is to REBUILD.

✨ SURRENDER the tools of man…

✨ Wait for the Lord with WHOLE BEING and in His WORD put HOPE…

✨ The legacy to build is in Him.

🕊️ In the law of love, it’s about our IDENTITY in Him, carrying His name…like a woman to her husband is cautioned to SUBMIT, our TRUTH lived in peace comes only by SURRENDER to Him…

✔️ It “ain’t” about the shortcomings of what we see in others…stop looking…

✔️ Focus on developing a REALATIONSHIP in Him…committed to the VOW of ONENESS.

✔️ Everything else is an overflow from there…


Be about the Father’s WORK…Be at His house…at His table…for He is who prepares the feast…

🕊️ Choice is LIFE or DEATH…temporal comfort or what’s eternally lasting…

✨ OBEY the TRUTH and TRUST the PROMISES from there, letting go of control and expectation…

✨ Surrender now in the moment of the worldly Eve and start 2024 with clarity and peace beyond all understanding that Jesus is the way for unconditional love for all…

🌸 Be YOU in Him as you yield to His SPIRIT, renew your MIND into His ways, LivingOUTLoud Life in fullness of the BODY.

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