Your Body Is Your Ministry

Through foundation in faith, we are advocating whole being wellness motivating clients to live a healthy lifestyle and reach fitness goals through holistic lifestyle approach through our God-given design of our minds. This is a faith-based approach in fitness journey with a faith-based approach to overcoming obstacles in order to live out God’s purposes for our individual lives.

LivingOUTLoud Life, LLC. is a Christ-centered outreach and wellness company that is dedicated to empowering women to achieve wellness fitness goals while building confidence and discovering all that God has to offer them. We focus on helping women live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle through fitness, nutrition and faith-based principles.

It’s all about FINDING YOUR FIT for personal connection (identity), functional fitness (for the body and mind), understanding the importance of nutrition (and how to personally apply it), and intentionally releasing emotional energy for stress management through a brain healthy lifestyle in order to operate in work-life balance and satisfaction – on purpose and with intention.

By connecting mind and body through movement of the body, clients are training the body to move efficiently during all movement for improved daily living.

In our services, we are in promotion of FUNCTIONAL application of FOUNDATIONAL wellness habits (through individualized curriculum content based on biblical living principles), to assist clients in developing realistic goals to make positive lifestyle changes for personal health, self-growth and social responsibility and fitness goals through concepts from general life coaching including motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral tactics, SMART goals, strategies for success, etc. based on the lifestyle goals of biblical living (for the matter).

Rooted Wellness

Addressing common issues such as depression, anxiety, low self-worth, fear and body image concerns, we focus on NOT just reducing “dis-ease” within our self by but focusing forward into applying the biblical ointment of direction from His WORD.

We must be grounded in His idea of rooted wellness, looking at our IDENTITY through His thoughts of us, becoming who we are called to be in, applying His word of for ways of wisdom. Through application of His Kingdom strategies, we begin to see outward demonstration of our internal convictions (belief systems).

Behavior modification is NOT the ROOT of focus in our WELLBEING but found in the stability and single-mindedness of our THINKING…

Integrating Christian values, encouraging emotional and spiritual growth alongside of promoting physical wellness (in tandem with improving the management of our mental health), we focus on creating the life of PEACE, JOY and CALM in ACTION by setting intentions, goals and learning to work the self-created plan based on His life-giving principles (biblical principles).

A Brain-Healthy Lifestyle Is the Way for the Win.

A decided mind is a yielded mind with a directional aim.

The more strategies you learn to identify triggers, cope with stress, and manage your NEW life the more you will walk into the mastery of discipline.

✔️ It’s all about MASTERING the MINDSET through SELF AWARENESS, intentionally operating through purposefully passionate, authentic IDENTITY as you uncover your true desires and personal beliefs.

✔️ Living SOBER ia lifestyle its about more than just being alcohol-free…it’s about LivingOUTLoud Life in TRUTH & CLARITY.

👉 YES! You can change your behavior by changing your mind.

LivingOUTLoud Life by our personal, chosen values anticipates a life lived forward in service of the life that we want to live – and NOT escape from…

Living OUT loud IS being yourself, genuine, open, trustworthy, with sass, spice and flare. Living on purpose, loving others and yourself, living passionately for your values, no matter what. Letting others see your light shine, and not being scared to be different or worry about others’ opinions of you. Living a life you’re excited about, with purpose. Inspiring others to do the same.


This site is purposed to inspire YOU to be who YOU are MEANT to be as you live YOUR role in LIFE in FORWARD motion of new choices not in past bondage.

Our values are based on the mind-body-spirit connection believing that wholeness is achieved when we pay attention to all the parts that make us WHOLE.

✔️ We believe that emotions are from universal, neutral, typical and are neither good or bad BUT to be used signals for us to accordingly RESPOND to life not just REACT from it. It is within the way we choose to handle (express) a feeling in behavior that brings “good” or “bad” consequences.

✔️ We believe that in coming into awareness of our personal truth and LivingOUTLoud Life from our inward truth is what sets us free to live a life of peace and wholeness.

Jeus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

✔️ We believe that we are instructed to renew our minds into the vision that we are aimed to live rather than through the lens (perspective) of our traumas and wounds.

Romans 12:2 urges us to be a Living Sacrifice as we are transformed by renewing of our mind.

✔️ We believe in the ability to change direction by CHOICE and the FREEDOM to pursue a more honorable path without necessity of labels dictated by society.

💥 We believe that we can operate in healing, wholeness and virtue by knowing who we are, applying that identity that Christ guaranteed to us when He declared, “it is finished.”

to ourselves as we gain awareness of our unconscious thought life to bring into reality the conscious mind which produces actionable faith and outward behavior that empowers us to BE who we were created to be.